Youth today has a lot of really difficult problems to solve. The first problem is education. Today, when the education is not free, the parents must pay money if they want their children to have higher education. Many teenagers have to work but it is difficult for them to find a job. Only skilled specialists are needed everywhere, so teenagers become unemployed. They want to earn their own money, that's why some of them become robbers, thieves and murderers. Teenagers want to work as waiters, barmen, sellers and etc. As a rule most of the teenagers don't read serious classical literature. The biggest problem for youth is alcohol, drugs, smoking. A person, taking drugs or driknimg alcohol, loses his will, he brings suffering to his members of the family. The next problem is sex. There are a lot of dangerous diseases. One of them is AIDS. There is no medicine to treat it. Do you know that every year three million people die of smoking? Do you know that your life is 25% shorter if you smoke? But in Russia more than 76% of poplation smokes. If you want to be healthy and strong you should give up your bad habits. As for me I have no problems with it.
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