I like to go to the cinema. When I have free time, I always go to see a new film. When I want to go to the cinema I usually look in the programme what films are on. Then I phone my friend and we discuss what films to see. We prefer feature films, but also enjoy cartoons and popular science films. To see a good love story, musical or detective film is a very pleasant way of spending free time. There are many talented actors and actresses in this country. My favourite actor is Oleg Yankovskyi. My favourite actress is Natalia Gundareva.They played the leading parts in many films and I have always enjoyed their superb acting. The last film I saw was the screen version of the novel "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell. It's an old film but it still enjoys great popularity. There are many famous American actors in it with Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable starring. I was deeply impressed by their acting and the film itself. It hasn't lost its visual splendour with the passage of time.
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