Every visitor to London knows who Madame Tussaud is — or was. And almost every visitor has seen her, an old lady of 81, standing at the entrance of her own exhibition. She is made of wax, like all the models of people in this museum. There are a lot of halls in the museum. The first room is the "Garden Party". Beneath a star-spangled sky, under an oak-tree, figures from the worlds of sports and the media enjoy a friendly drink and chat. There are statues of A. Schwarzenegger, E. Taylor and others there. "200 Years" room covers the history of Madame Tussaud's over the last two centuries, and shows the developing of new technology during that time. There are also other rooms, such as: "Legends and Superstars", rooms with popular music singers, the members of royal families and military leaders. There is the "Chamber of Horrors" which amuses visitors very much. "The Spirit of London" is a magnificent journey through London's history. The cabs travel past the figure of W. Shakespeare, Sir Christopher Wren, who directs the building of St Paul's Cathedral. It's not easy to tell about all interesting things one can see in the museum. This is the place that is worth visiting.
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